Saturday, April 02, 2011

VETO, will you win me back?

When VETO released their second album, Crushing Digits, in 2008, it was crazy. Back then, I saw them live five times in less than a year. I've never worshipped anything more heavily, and all the shows were remarkable, each in their own way. But Crushing Digits was built for the road. Its fist-pumping, hands-in-the-air nature is made for raving crowds.

This time around, after a few weeks of gaping over the fact that Everything Is Amplified, VETO's third album, turned out to be exactly as boring as one had feared, I had sort of cast off the lads. Which wasn't easy, being as it's a band I've been following way back since before their first EP. It was like writing out one of your first loves from your life. But then my dear friend Maria went and saw them last week in Ã…rhus, and told me they still had it. That for all the less-than-exciting material on their new album, they still managed to come around it on stage. I read some reviews that said the same, and I saw a 21-song set list with even more from There's A Beat In All Machines than on the Crushing Digits-tour. 

Then on the spur of the moment, I bought a ticket. Which was kinda stupid, because my finances are seriously fucked these days (I just bought tickets for both Northside and Roskilde by the way). But I bought it, because reading those reviews and seeing that set list reminded me, just how powerful tracks like 'It's A Test', or 'We Are Not Your Friends' or 'Built To Fail' are live, and just how much I've missed it. So I'm going tonight to be convinced, or perhaps to be reaffirmed. I'll let you know.

In other news, Foals were just announced for Roskilde. That's pretty good, except for the fact that I already saw them in December, and, honestly, was a bit disappointed. There's a bloody good chance I'm gonna see them though, as Total Life Forever has been one of the most important albums for me the past year, and it's a good occasion to finally get some of my mates into it. In any case, it's bloody sweet with some indie finally, amidst the bombardment of afro-beat and heavy metal that has been this year's announcements so far.