Monday, January 17, 2011

VETO's back - and catching up on Hot Chip.

Ok, so VETO's officially back in business after a few years of not-bad-but-not-brilliant solo stuff by Troels Abrahamsen. I'm absolutely dead scared about this album. VETO is undoubtedly one of the bands I've been following the closest, ever since their absolute infancy, but I fear they're gonna have a tough time topping the two brilliant albums they've already released. And if that's the case, it's gonna be quite tough to cope with. Anyway, they've released the lead single now for the still untitled album, which is due in a month's time. The single is called 'This Is Not', and it was played at P3 Guld this Friday. If you want to hear the studio recording, it's over at Soundvenue on their High 5. My initial opinion is, that it's neither as bad nor as good as I could have feared/expected. It's gonna be an intriguing release for sure...

As I mentioned the other day, I've been catching a bit up on my old friends Hot Chip, and their newest album, One Life Stand. It kinda drowned in other album releases when it came out about a year ago, but now finally I've got a hold of it, and it's actually a pleasant surprise. It's got a bit of the same catchiness as the band's signature album, The Warning, but in a very different way. It's much more grand, and has got more of an eighties synthesizer glitch to it than the more dry and edgy The Warning, but it's really nice. I mentioned 'Take It In' next week, and another track worth checking out would be 'We Have Love'.

Today, a work companion of mine refreshed my memory on Weather Report's magnificent tune 'Birdland' - I haven't heard this for years and years, but it's such an extraordinary piece of jazz-fusion.

I got a few new albums today that I'm quite excited about! It's Swim, by Caribou, Philharmonics, by Agnes Obel and, on the spur of the moment, Spinning For The Cause, by I Got You On Tape. Truly albums that tickle very different taste buds - more on those when I get my ears on them properly!