Friday, January 14, 2011

This isn't exactly Friday night stuff...

Peter Broderick.
But to hell with it, I just wanted to up you a bit on one of the artists I've been discovering the past few weeks. It's Peter Broderick, who seems like such a delightful man. I've got bits of his Home album (why bits, I truly don't know...), and it absolutely, well... hits home. Check out 'And It's Alright', 'Below It' and 'Maps'. Makes angels fart, don't you think?

But hey, it is Friday, so enough of the moody acoustic stuff! I never did get around to buy Hot Chip's One Life Stand album last winter, but the other day, I borrowed it from a special friend of mine. It hasn't quite sunk in yet, but there's not much to be devoured on a tune like 'Take It In', which is bloody catchy! I love the harmonics in the synth riff!

Don't forget that tonight it's P3 Guld-time, and VETO are playing new material! In the spirit of live stuff, lemme show you a few live takes I've been digging quite a lot lately. One is The National's 'Terrible Love', (disregard the punchdrunk intro), which has got loads more energy an zest than the album version, and the other is the ridiculously groovy 'Mondegreen' by Yeasayer. Both are quite canny takes on their album counterparts, if you ask me!

Tomorrow I'm heading to Copenhagen, and I just borrowed Sebastian's greatest hits-compilation (I normally hate those...) from my mom, and shoved it onto my ipod, oh what a joy!!!