Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Horse and Superpitcher.

I must admit I heard this tune primarily because of the title, as 'horse' is one of my favorite words. There's such a calmness and potency to it. Calmness perhaps isn't a fitting descriptor for Brian Eno's 'Horse', but there's something to it that made me return and listen again, regardless of the title. If you don't like Battles or Radiohead's 'Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors', this is however probably not for you.

Maybe Superpitcher is then. Distinctly German, but in a pleasant way. I find 'Rabbits In A Hurry' really catchy! It's got sort of a loungy laid-backness, but still doesn't become irrelevant. There's some sort of poise and edge to it.