Friday, October 08, 2010

Cherry Tree, you stunning hidden gem!

I had a revelation yesterday! I was listening to The National's wonderful album Boxer, and as 'Gospel' rang out, it segued into the Cherry Tree EP from 2004, which I haven't ever really heard, for some reason. I'm not good at EPs to be honest.

But holy shit, why didn't I think of this one sooner? Cherry Tree is like a The National album boiled down to the most essential and touching parts. It's just so beautiful. Like the absolutely amazing 'About Today', or 'Wasp Nest'. I mean, what astonishing ballads! And they're just the top of the bunch, the entire EP is just so soothing, save for the kinda misplaced live version of 'Murder Me Rachael' perhaps. 'Cherry Tree' and 'All Dolled-Up In Straps' are beautiful little pieces too, and 'Reasonable Man (I Don't Mind)' is so fantastically intimate. And 'All The Wine' (which is on Alligator too) is exquisite too - it reminds me very much of Bloc Party's wonderful 'Kreuzberg'. These songs are exactly in lieu of some of my favorite songs from Boxer and Alligator, such as 'Slow Show', 'Ada' and 'Daughters of the Soho Riots', and they're just so lovely all together.

I'm really lost for words on this one... Just really, really do listen to 'About Today'. It's just splendidly beautiful!