Monday, November 22, 2010

Albums growing (like trees in suburbs).

I've got these three albums that have been growing a lot on me these days. I also (finally!!) got Halcyon Digest late last week, but the jury is still out on that one. It seems to be a quality album, but I'm not so sure how much I personally like it. It's the kind of album that needs quite a few listens. Anyway, the three albums on pace right now are:

The Suburbs, by Arcade Fire
This has been a classic slow mover, but I've now come to realize truly what a tremendous album this is. Truth be truth, there aren't really any that bad tunes here, anyhow not any irrelevant tunes. That's pretty impressive for an album that clocks in at an hour's length. Even tunes like 'Half Light II (No Celebration)' and 'Wasted Hours' are coming to me now, and the album impressively climaxes again and again, most prolifically with the haunting 'We Used To Wait' and the brilliant Sprawl-duology on the albums back part. I hope these guys will hit Roskilde next summer!

Troen & Ingen, by Søren Huss
I've been through this album five times now, and every time it hits me a little bit more, just how sharp it is. Huss balances masterfully on the edge of being sentimental without being whiny, but still being very evident and perceptible about the emotional landscape that has driven this record. It's a very pleasant and deep listen every time (still).

A Collection of Vibrations for Your Skull by Treefight For Sunlight
Back when this album came out, I doubted its longevity, so I think it's only fitting to take up this issue again. I've had the album for a month and a half, and my iTunes shows I've been through its (short) entirety 12 times. And honestly, I actually like it better now than I did after the first few listens. These guys seem to have legs, and the album is due for an international release next year, which is pretty cool!