Saturday, May 22, 2010


Pretty much everything musical right now revolves around Roskilde, which is only a month and a bit away. We've already got an amazing indie line-up this year, and just to top it off, Delphic have announced themselves. I've heard them live once before, and their album has been spun pretty frequently these past months, so yet another name to squeeze into the schedule I guess!

I got a hold of a further few relevant albums this past week, namely a few Danish acts. The Kissaway Trail are definitely moving upwards on my list (which I will probably keep to myself for a few weeks still to come, pending, amongst other things, my purchase of LCD Soundsystem's new album). Their newest album, Sleep Mountain, is pretty nice, and it sounds like music that will work very well live. I've also heard The National's critically acclaimed album Boxer, and these guys are definitely on the up on my list. I am anxious to get a hold of their newest album, High Violet, as well. I also got a hold of Ten Makes A Face by When Saints Go Machine and How To Make Friends by FM Belfast, but neither have impressed me enough to send these bands upwards on my list.

Another name that is moving upwards is Jack Johnson, who's now within top 15 - a number of concerts I usually exceed by a few. Being inarguably an act for Orange Stage, and probably in the afternoon, he does have somewhat of a high clash risk with many of the names higher on my list being likely names for Arena or Odeon.

Bands moving down on my list right now include Florence + The Machine, Beach House, Pendulum and Dizzy Mizz Lizzy, although two of these are still in the top 15.