Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A few Tuesday-tips.

Once again, I've got a few tracks that are on the move for me presently. Quite convenient, as this is one of those weeks where I've sort of lost a bit of pace on what's the new black. Anyway, one of those mentionable tracks is (still) 'Spanish Sahara', the lead single off Foals' forthcoming album, Total Life Forever. This is really gonna be one of this year's most exciting releases in my book.

Not much of a Gorillaz-aficionado, I have really warmed to 'Stylo', which of course is the lead single off Plastic Beach. This track is more catchy than anything that has hit mainstream radio for a long, long time. It works under so many circumstances - by itself, as background music on TV, radio, soundtracking something. Just an amazing, amazing track.

I really need to get some new records soon (high on the list is The Knife, Vampire Weekend and Florence + The Machine), but this draught in new investments has given me opportunity to dig a bit deeper into some of the stuff I rarely listen to, such as Sigur Rós. I love their album Takk... from 2005, and lately I have really gotten into ( ) (from 2002) as well. Especially the third track, which is really really god damn beautiful. I heard some of their recentmost album, Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust, which is very interesting as well. They're probably my ultimate live experience wish, but they are sadly on a hiatus at present.

Junior Boys is another band I've gotten around to as of late. I want to point out 'Count Souvenirs' as a very beautiful and very representative piece. And last, but not least, I've been tripping frequently to 'Acolyte', the epic title track of Delphic's oft-mentioned debut release of this January.

Tomorrow I might do a bit of Roskilde-babble, probably including a preliminary priorities-list.