Monday, July 12, 2010

A quick word.

This is traditionally a quiet time for record releases, however a few interesting bands are gearing up for fall releases. These include Arcade Fire, Radiohead and Klaxons. The latter have released their first single proper off Surfing The Void, 'Echoes' and it sounds recognizable, and blissfully more melodic than 'Flashover', the teaser release from a few months ago.

Other than that, a few of June's albums have grown a lot on me this past week. Mostly so is the case of Foals' Total Life Forever, which grows like very few other albums. There are so many awesome tracks on this album. Of course, the nucleus is built around the astonishing 'Spanish Sahara', the uplifting 'Total Life Forever' and the magnificent 'After Glow', but also the last three tracks, led by 'Alabaster' are very beautiful. Definitely a strong sophomore album.

Also High Violet, The National's very well-acclaimed fifth album has been growing on me. It's been an uphill battle, as Boxer is often my weapon of choice when I'm in the mood for The National, but HV is a decent album in it's own right. You all know the single 'Bloodbuzz Ohio', which is one of the best tracks on the record, but also 'Conversation 16' is very strong, as is 'Terrible Love' and 'England'.

Lastly, I've taken a late liking to Gorillaz' 'On Melancholy Hill', which is just a sweet little pop tune.

The Idioteque will take a summer break the next few weeks, as I am hitting the railways of Europe for a bit. Stay cool!