Saturday, February 13, 2010

A few electro picks (and a bit of garage too).

Alright, this is gonna be a quick, less-is-more runthrough of some more new stuff I've run into. By the way, I went to see 2ManyDJs the other day with a couple of my fave allies. It was pretty impressive. Although the vibe wasn't as frantic as at Roskilde (being as it was a Thursday night, probably), and the Belgian kings of cool made use of some slighty predictable climax-situations, it was still good.

First off, I've mentioned this one before, it's 'Odessa' by Canadian indie-house project Caribou. I just love the faint grittyness of this track, a proper indie club hit.

I've known this Gramophonedzie mix for about a year now, but actually this is the first time I've found the full original mix - Kjeld Tolstrup used to play a shorter version on UngaBunga. It's just awesome, combining vintage vocals with a catchy house beat.

This is Darwin Deez with 'Constellations'. I know it reminds me very much of something, but I'm not sure what it is, but something old. It does resemble stuff like The Spinto Band slightly too.

The next two are not as much catchy as they are merely interesting. I am scared out of my wits of what dubstep supergroup Magnetic Man might be capable of live. It's Skream. And Benga. AND Artwork. All three together. Brrr. Are you shivering? The other is Joy Orbison, which is kind of an amalgamation of dubstep and something more Ibiza'ey. I think we're gonna hear a lot more of this kind of stuff, as dubstep wiggles towards some sort of mainstream acceptance (eventhough dubstep becoming mainstream is a bit of a catch-22). Check out 'Wet Look'.

Finishing off a mainly electronically themed post, I've got young Frankie and The Heartstrings for you. They resemble Tokyo Police Club very much, have a listen to 'Hunger' - nothing like a wee bit of garage-revival.